
出国旅游网 2023-09-17 03:23 编辑:admin 265阅读





首先,不得不提的是达尔·巴特(Dal Bhat),这是尼泊尔最常见的正餐。这是一道以米饭(Bhat)和黄豌豆汤(Dal)为主的传统菜肴,通常还配有时蔬、咖喱和酸辣调味品。无论你是素食者还是非素食者,达尔·巴特都能满足你的味蕾。

如果你想尝试一些更加独特的尼泊尔美食,那么不妨尝试孜然吐司(Sel Roti)。这是一种由米浆制成的圆形面包,外层酥脆,内部松软香甜,非常美味可口。









除了煎饼卷,加德满都的街头小吃还有炸豆角(Bara)、炒面(Chow mein)以及各种炸油条。这些小吃通常都非常便宜,你可以用几美元就品尝到各种美食。








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Kathmandu, Nepal: A Foodie's Paradise

Kathmandu, Nepal is a beautiful city located at the foothills of the Himalayas, famous for its diverse culinary landscape. For food enthusiasts and foodies alike, it is truly a paradise. Whether you enjoy trying local delicacies or international cuisines, Kathmandu offers you an excellent array of choices.

Local Nepalese Cuisine

Nepal is a country with a rich and diverse culture, which reflects in its culinary traditions. In Kathmandu, you have the opportunity to taste many authentic Nepalese delicacies.

First and foremost, Dal Bhat deserves a special mention. This is the most common traditional meal in Nepal, consisting of rice (Bhat) and lentil soup (Dal), usually accompanied by vegetables, curries, and spicy condiments. Whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian, Dal Bhat will satisfy your taste buds.

If you wish to try something more unique from Nepal, don't miss out on Sel Roti. It is a round-shaped bread made from rice batter, with a crispy outer layer and a soft, sweet interior. It is incredibly delicious.

In addition to these iconic dishes, Kathmandu also offers a variety of other authentic street foods such as Chatamari (pancake), Sekuwa (barbecue), and Samosa (savory pastry). These street foods will leave you craving for more.

International Cuisines

Though Nepal is known for its local delicacies, Kathmandu also offers a wide range of international cuisines to choose from.

If you love Chinese cuisine, you cannot miss the Chinese restaurants in Kathmandu. They serve a variety of exquisite Chinese dishes such as Kung Pao Chicken, Hot and Sour Soup, and Peking Duck. Nepalese people appreciate Chinese food greatly, so you can expect a delightful culinary experience.

Besides Chinese cuisine, there are also restaurants providing Indian, Italian, Thai, and Japanese cuisines in Kathmandu. Whatever international food you crave, Kathmandu has got you covered.

Street Food Delights

Kathmandu's street food culture is vibrant, and you can find delicious street food stalls at every corner.

Nepalese street food attracts many visitors with its unique flavors and affordable prices. You can try rolls with various fillings like vegetables, meats, and cheese for a satisfying combination of textures and tastes. The rolls are accompanied by special sauces that enhance the overall flavor experience.

Alongside rolls, you can also enjoy Bara (fried lentil cake), Chow Mein (stir-fried noodles), and a variety of deep-fried snacks. These street foods are usually inexpensive, allowing you to savor a range of flavors without breaking the bank.

Unique Dining Experiences

In addition to a diverse range of food choices, Kathmandu also offers unique dining experiences in some extraordinary restaurants.

If you wish to enjoy panoramic city views while indulging in delicious food, choose rooftop restaurants located on top of high-rise buildings. These restaurants typically have spacious terraces, allowing you to marvel at the majestic Himalayas.

Furthermore, Kathmandu has themed restaurants such as grassy restaurants or cave restaurants. These establishments have distinctive designs, creating an unforgettable dining ambiance.

Whether you seek a luxurious dining experience or a casual gathering, Kathmandu caters to your needs.


As a foodie, Kathmandu, Nepal is an unmissable destination. It offers a wide range of local and international cuisines to satisfy your taste buds. The street food scene and unique dining experiences add an extra touch to your culinary journey. Whether you are a lover of Nepalese cuisine or an adventurous eater seeking different cultural flavors, Kathmandu welcomes you with its diverse food landscape, making it truly a foodie's paradise.
