
出国旅游网 2023-06-18 08:23 编辑:admin 293阅读


秘鲁共和国(西班牙语:La República del Perú,英语:The Republic of Peru),简称秘鲁(Peru),是南美洲西部的一个国家,北邻厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚,东与巴西和玻利维亚接壤,南接智利,西濒太平洋。海岸线长2254公里。全境从西向东分为热带沙漠、高原和热带雨林气候。


1. 前往乔希乌神庙的入口,并打开门。“塞尔达国王之泪”中,乔希乌神庙的入口位于哈特诺古村庄西南方向。门的打开方法可从哈特诺古村庄的长者处获得提示。

2. 进入神庙后,找到正确的方向并获得钥匙。在神庙中,你需要通过解谜来找到正确的方向才能进入下一个房间。在某些房间中,你需要使用胡椒粉(Pepper)来打败敌人。当你获得钥匙后,记得按住钥匙,然后走回之前的房间去打开锁。

3. 找到石碑并解开密码。在第三个区域中,你需要找到一块石碑并解开密码。解开密码的方法为使用地图上的数字和颜色提示,辅以石碑上的小图案,将信息转换成二进制码。最终密码为:“03:32:33”。

4. 打败强大的敌人Barbara。在神庙的深处,你将会遇到一个巨大的敌人Barbara。在打败Barbara前,你需要使用钩爪(Hookshot)来打破它的护盾,并利用弱点来攻击它。确保保持足够的生命值和装备,以打败这个强大的敌人。

5. 解决最终谜题并获得最后的宝箱。在走过一段长长的路后,你将回到一个之前已经访问过的房间,你需要使用神秘种子(Mystical Seed)来激活房间中的终端,然后使用宝物手册(Book of Treasure)来解决最终的谜题。完成谜题后,你将获得神庙的最后宝箱,以及塞尔达国王之泪的一个碎片。



Straddling both banks of the Rjo Rjmac at the foot of the Cerro San Cristobal,the capital of Peru is an eclectic mix of traditional colonial buildings,soaring skyscrapers and Pueblos(shanty settlements that blanket the dusty hills overlooking the city).

Home to two-thirds of Peru's industry and nearly one-third of the country's total population,pollution and poverty is highly present this city of seven million.A few miles southwest of the city center,Villa El Salvador shelters 350,000 people.

In spite of its troubles,the city boasts a great many historic monuments,museums for every palate,a lively cultural and arts scene and the country's best food,drink and nightlife.

Most of Lima's sights can be found within the old city,declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Attractions include the Palacio Torre Tagle,the city's best surviving specimen of secular colonial architecture; the Museo de Oro del Peru,with its precolumbianmetals,weavings and mummies and the Museo de Arte,with more than 7,000 exhibits giving a retrospectiveof Peruvian cultures and art from 2,000 years ago to the present day.

Lima's many markets overflow with hand-crafted jewelry of silver and gold,Peruvian textiles and ceramics,flowers and fresh produce.

For a break from the city's clamor,duck intoLima's fine baroque churches or take a stroll through its many parks and gardens,some established as early as the 17th century by Lima's Spanish aristocracy.


A country of western South America bordered by Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil and Bolivia to the east, Chile to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


