原唱:- Farrah
Simon the accountant
Slouches by the water fountain
As the girl from refinancing
Who's a bit scarlet Johansson
Who likes grease and dirty dancing
Brushes by
He says hello stranger
Hoping that he'll re-engage her though
They've skirted round the danger
He's a lion in the manger
And her eyes betray the butterflies inside
They had a long lost night in Scarborough
Propping up the hotel bar
The heat of desire
Turned into a fire
On that long lost night in Scarborough
While she does the filing
She might let him catch her smiling
Cos he called her smile beguiling
On the night she lay beside him
Listening to the seagulls crying
To the waves
She remembers his love handles
How he helped remove her sandals
And his kisses on her ankles
As their bodies lay entangled
'Til the day broke like a Scandalous embrace
They had a long lost night in Scarborough
Propping up the hotel bar
The heat of desire
Turned into a fire
On that long lost night in Scarborough
When she woke up in his arms
She feared the storm after the calm
So she left him snoring
They both heard the gossip
But were powerless to stop it
Cos it spread through every office
From the mail room to the bosses
Everyone discussed the topic and they'd say
They had a long lost night in Scarborough
Propping up the hotel bar
The heat of desire
Turned into a fire
On that long lost night in Scarborough
That long lost night in Scarborough
二、scarborough fair原唱?
"Scarborough Fair" 的原唱版本源材料来自英国民间音乐,其历史可以追溯到中世纪。可是如果谈论传统版本且阐述是哪个艺人首演,这已经不那么明确了。
在20世纪,该曲的许多版本都由不同的音乐家演唱过,包括西蒙和加芬克尔(Simon and Garfunkel)、塞塔斯朋克(Satyrskin)、珍妮佛·妮特尔(Jennifer Nettles)和科琳妮·贝利·雷(Corinne Bailey Rae)等。
三、scarborough fair中文歌名?
Scarborough Fair(斯卡堡集市,也译作“斯卡波罗集市”),是一首旋律优美的经典英文歌曲,曾作为第40届奥斯卡获奖影片《毕业生》(The Graduate)的插曲,曲调凄美婉转,给人以心灵深处的触动。《Scarborough Fair》原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,原唱歌手为保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)翻唱过该歌曲,收录于2000年专辑《La Luna》。此外来自英伦岛屿的 Gregorian格里高利合唱团(又称“教皇合唱团”)也曾翻唱过该歌曲。
这首歌走红于电影《毕业生》之后,但作者并不是在电影中演绎这首歌的人,而是Poul Simon,当年Poul游历英格兰时听到民间歌手演绎这首歌,把它改编成了现在的“scrborough Fair“
六、scarborough fair原唱完整版?
《Scarborough Fair》是莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)演唱的歌曲,收录在其于2001年6月4日发行的专辑《The Very Best of Sarah Brightman 1990-2000》中
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
he once was a true love of mine
Tell him to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seams nor needle work
Then he'll be a true love of mine
Tell him to find me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between salt water and the sea strands
Then he'll be a true love of mine
Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
Then he'll be a true love of mine
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine
士嘉堡(Scarborough )是加拿大安大略省多伦多市东部的一个地区。经过200多年的发展,士嘉堡曾一度于大多伦多市内具有市级行政地位,但自从1998年大多六市合并后已成为多伦多市的一部分。纵虽如此,“士嘉堡”一名仍受民众广泛使用,而加拿大邮政亦仍然接受只填上“Scarborough”而没有“Toronto”的地址。据2006年人口普查,士嘉堡区的人口有602,575人。
这首歌是美国80年代的一部经典电影《毕业生》的主题曲 后又被录如凡非的《生命的列车》中当背景插曲 中文名是“斯卡布罗集市”实际上的意思是“迷幻集市”的意思 虽然有点老,但一直经久不衰!
兰卡威缆车也称为浮罗交怡缆车,是在马来西亚吉打浮罗交怡岛的各大景点之一。它提供了从Teluk Burau的东方村到Gunung Machinchang山顶的空中连接,而这里也是Langkawi Sky Bridge的所在地。总长度为2.2公里(1.4英里),从底部到顶部的行程时间约为15分钟。它于2003年正式开放。
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