
出国旅游网 2023-05-13 03:18 编辑:admin 251阅读


我也是这样的   看你是不是很爱鞋



1、主要是看鞋的生产日期、生产产地。我们举个例子,如SUPERSTAR 三叶草鞋的产地应该是印尼,而生产日期就要看这鞋什么时候上的专卖,理论上这些时间相差不远。

2、其实是看adidas鞋标的的尺码区和next 行的一串字符。我们首先看到鞋标产地下面的尺码区在这行最后有个JP,在next项应该对应的是这鞋的长度单位是毫米,我们再看这个数字下面的数字,这是关键所在。在第三行最后一个数字应该和第二行倒数第三个数字对齐,没对齐的绝大多数是假adidas鞋,而且adidas鞋标的质地是很软,摸起来很舒适。





三条杠的真假很好鉴别真伪。其最为明显的就是看衣服或者裤子上的刺绣和烫印的标志,真的adidas 中的 i 字母上的点与其上部的三条杠标志是连在一起的,而假的是全部分离的!还有正品,adidas这几个绣的是十分清晰的,如果带有线头,还有连成一片,那么你就买到假货了!当然最主要的还要看吊牌和做工,还有包装! 一般正品的衣服内里都会有两张小标的,一张是面料和产地以及洗涤说明,还有一张就是货号! 外表做工很好,还有内里的做工也是不错的,不会有很多的线头! 还有吊牌一般是黑色的,当然印刷的字体十分清晰;特别说明下:original系列也就是三叶草复古系列的吊牌一般是蓝色!再补充一点:正品阿迪内里的标标一般上不只写上尺码,如M L XL,还有就是会写上身高如:上装185/104A CONVERSE


1、产品外观: 正品应该具有原装盒子、吊牌、小标、干燥剂、包装纸。 05年新款的盒子是黑色的,干燥剂和包装纸上面都会印有CONVERSE字样,吊牌上印有裕晟(昆山)体育用品有限公司;04年或以前的盒子是大红色或者深蓝色的,干燥剂和包装纸上没有印CONVERSE,吊牌上印的是广州宝元工贸有限公司。



鞋舌下面的产品说明有英文的“yusheng(kunshan)sports co.,ltd.”字样。


2、产品质量分别: 正品采用码重密度最足、质地最佳的帆布,双边条,原生橡胶加细网布,经久耐用。假货用料明显不同,鞋底较正品硬而轻,没有弹性,穿一段时间就会断底,鞋后跟里面的胶垫质量也不行,容易变形。




7月有summer sale, 12月底到1月有christmas sale。这两个大sales之间有时也有mid-season sales.

平时的话就去outlets咯,York Designer Outlet就很不错,里面Adidas的店很大,东西很便宜,十几磅可以买到外面三十多四十磅的鞋子。

另外要是想去顶级牌子的折扣店,那就要去牛津旁边的Bicester Village,有Burburry、Dior、Versace等等,好像是英国最大的outlets,坐火车去也挺方便的。

其他小的outlets很多地方都有阿,birmingham、cheshire等,你喜欢nike的话也可以去伦敦oxford street上nike的旗舰店啊~等十二月底去买打折货就好了。

四、2012阿迪达斯三叶草广告星光闪耀:陈奕迅街头玩音乐 “麻辣鸡”谱歌 广告背景音乐

广告片背景歌曲“Masquerade”由妮琪·米娜 (Nicki Minaj) 谱写


Feel the beat of the drum

Move like ya really wanna be number 1

You can beat out the comp

Run like ya really wanna be at the top

Adrenaline rush 'cus...

You have been identified as a hustla'

Topic of the discussion but beat it like a percussion

And chuck the deuce up and tell 'em it's just love

Damn diggity-dog

Let them bums stay mad 'cus we livin' it up


Shelltops is on

And I'm popping like, I'm popping like, I'm popping some corn


And now

I don't wanna take you if we fall down

Don't get upset

And now, is just the beginning

And we'll figure it out somehow

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now...

It's something you create

It's never ever too late

It's never ever too late

Right now...

Okay to make a mistake

Yeah baby this is your day

It's time to masquerade

(Verse 2)

Face it, face it

Full of bass in ya face

Hit the finish line

First place in the race


King Kong on ya chest

Running and I'm coming to baton to ya left


You can be who you want

Be who you is

Never be what you aren't

Never, never fold under pressure

Desperate times get desperate measures


Damn diggity-dog

Let them bums stay mad 'cus we livin' it up

Shelltops is on

And I'm popping like, I'm popping like, I'm popping some corn


And now

I don't wanna take you if we fall down

Don't get upset

And now, is just the beginning

And we'll figure it out somehow

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now...

It's something you create

It's never ever too late

It's never ever too late

Right now...

Okay to make a mistake

Yeah baby this is your day

It's time to masquerade

(Verse 3)

Imma call your afro cause you never ball

Fuck all ya bitches and Iont never call

Next day, suck my teste

I ain't playing games

Bitch but checkmate

Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9

All my party people lemme see you one time

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now, masquerade

Master the merry go round

Right now...

It's something you create

It's never ever too late

It's never ever too late

Right now...

Okay to make a mistake

Yeah baby this is your day

It's time to masquerade

Right now