在当时,自长安经河西走廊、新疆、中亚直到地中海东岸数千公里的古“丝绸之路”,每年都有大批外国人来到长安进行贸易、求学。 During the Tang Dynasty, the ancient Silk Road spanned thousands of miles. It stretched from Chang'an through the Hexi Corridor, Xinjiang and Central Asia to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, and it was a conduit for thousands of foreigners traveling to Chang'an to trade and to study.
往来的商旅在漫长的丝绸之路上以面饼充饥。他们发现把面饼加入羊汤里,风味更佳。于是就有了千年后的这碗“羊肉泡馍”。 One thing those travelers brought with them for nourishment was flat bread, and for many this tasted better when it was added to mutton soup, the prototype of today's yangrou paomo.
德国威斯巴登,京剧《浮士德》在歌剧院首演,以中国国粹演绎西方文学经典。 In Wiesbaden, Germany, the famous tale of Faust got a Peking Opera makeover when a modern rendering of one of the most famous of Western literary classics had its premiere.
莫桑比克,中国援助的卫星电视让当地的儿童能了解外面的世界。 In Mozambique, financial backing from China has helped bring satellite TV to many children's homes.
葡萄牙鲁班工坊,学生们正在学习电气自动化和工业机器人的知识。 In Portugal, students are learning about electrical automation and industrial robotics in a Luban Workshop.
籽粒饱满 颗颗爆浆
一口啃下 唇齿留香
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